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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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Dear Atheist
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When you feel overwhelmed 
By the beauty of a sunset,
By the birth of a child,
By great talent on show,
When gratitude swells in your heart
And needs to pour out,
To whom does it flow?
When around you is matter
And science your measure —
Only that which is proven is real.
What proves that you are conscious, 
That there ought to be justice, 
That you love, and that you feel?
Encaged in your thinking
You locked yourself in.
Dear atheist, why cling to the night?
Look through the keyhole,
Observe the soul’s mystery
And choose to come into the light.
If few years of life are enough to decide
That God neither is nor was,
Eternity itself will attest to the truth —
That God is proven First Cause.
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2025 - Irene Thomas