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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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Bear Fruit
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Baskets of small figs have been gathered from this one fig tree throughout its lifetime. The figs represent our deeds. They may be small deeds but if they are done in love, they will last forever as treasure in heaven. This everlasting fruit is painted bright pink in the painting.
The Holy Spirit initiates our love for God and gives us the grace to bear fruit that will last. Yellow paint shows this grace in motion, illuminating our thoughts and actions. We bear everlasting fruit according to how often we accept this gift and respond to it in love.
God does not withhold the grace we need to bear fruit; He makes it available in the sacraments. To the degree that we co-operate with this grace, offered through the sacraments, our harvest will be abundant.
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2024 - Irene Thomas