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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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Post it on the Cross 
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Due to our fallen nature, a day does not go by when we do not sin, neither are our emotions ever in perfect harmony.
“For the just man falls seven times, and rises again.”
(Prv 24:16)
Yet, if only once a day we could visualize posting our misery and sin on the cross of Christ. To erase our sin and restore our nature, Jesus already paid the price. For the personal love of you and me, He welcomed torture and death.
What remains for us to do is to renounce our sin and give Him our misery, leaving them posted on the Holy Cross, and to claim the forgiveness and new life offered to us by our sacrificed Savior. Then, to fall on our knees and thank Him, newly determined not to sin again.
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2024 - Irene Thomas